Make Your Own Celery Salt

What you’ll need:

1 cup of celery greens
1/8 tsp salt (more if you like)
spice grinder or blender

To start, you need to dehydrate your celery tops. If you have a dehydrator, that is ideal and super-easy!

If not, you can do it in a regular kitchen oven: Pre-heat your oven to 200 degrees. Spread your fresh celery greens on a baking sheet and put them in the oven. Timing can vary, so you’ll want to keep an eye on these. You want your celery leaves to be completely dry and crisp, but not toasted and brown. The should still be bright green (see photo).

Let your dried celery leaves cool, and then grind them into a fine powder in your spice grinder or blender. You can put the salt into the blender, too, to mix everything really well or you can just stir your salt in later.

Now you have a great shelf stable seasoning that you can use to flavor soups, potato salad, other cold salads, etc.

Michelle McKenzie