Barn Store
Local food available year round - 20 minutes South of Charlottesville! You can shop for Bellair produce, grass-fed beef, pastured pork & eggs. We also stock products from local partners: chicken, lamb, maple syrup, honey, cheese, milk, locally milled flours & grains, fruit, herbal teas, ferments, and more!
During the Summer, you can also visit our Pick-Your-Own fields, just a short walk from the Barn.
Summer Hours (April-November)
Fridays 9 am-5 pm
Saturdays 9 am-2 pm
Winter Hours (Thanksgiving Weekend-March)
Fridays 10am-4pm (except for Black Friday)
Saturdays 10 am-2 pm
To get to the farm, just put Bellair Farm in your maps! We are off Secretary’s Road. The official address is 5290 Bellair Farm, Charlottesville, VA 22902.
Sometimes GPS will try to take you a weird way, but just follow the signs:
To enter, take the gravel drive with the “Bellair CSA” sign and follow the subsequent signs to the “Bellair Barn.”
When you leave, follow the paved drive on right to avoid meeting other cars on the one-lane driveway!
Interested in becoming one of our local partner producers? Email our retail administrator at
This is an example of a typical “Day Pass” haul.
Our pick-your-own field (aka PYO) is open to our members as well as the public! Members pick for free (included in the CSA cost) and non-members can pay by weight or get a “day pass” in the Barn Store. PYO hours are the same as the Barn Store hours.
PYO Day Pass - $20 new!
All You Can Pick (for you or your family for one week) - for example, this might be a couple pints each of cherry tomatoes, paste tomatoes, & peppers, a few herb bunches, a couple flower bouquets. We ask that you don't pick in bulk (i.e. for canning purposes) in the Pick-Your-Own. If you need bulk produce for canning, try one of our bulk produce deals, email us.
Important PYO Info:
There's always a sign in the Barn that shows what's available for picking
Only pick as much produce as you can use in 1 week - not bulk picking please! Sometimes there are also limits per person for specific items - it will be on the PYO board.
We have a collection of scissors, bags, & small containers available for your use
Remember to wash you hands before picking (use restroom in the barn) and DON'T visit the PYO if you or someone in your household is sick (especially with a stomach bug). We love food safety!
We also list PYO availability in our weekly newsletter (sign up below)
The view from the back of the pick-your-own field, August 2022. During the Summer, you’ll find a succession of herbs, edible flowers, specialty tomatoes (including cherry varieties), various hot pepper varieties, tomatillos, husk cherries (aka golden berries), and lots of cutting flowers.