Discover the Pick-Your-Own Field

Our pick-your-own field (aka PYO) is open to our members as well as the public! Members pick for free (included in the CSA cost) and non-members can pay by weight in the Barn Store. Pick-your-own hours are:

  • Open to the Public: Fridays 9am-5pm, Saturdays 9am-2pm

  • For CSA Members: Mon-Fri 7am-5pm, Sat-Sun 8am-2pm

Through spring and early summer, the field features herbs and edible flowers. At mid-summer, cutting flowers and green beans are ready. By late summer, there are cherry tomatoes, hot peppers, and more added to the mix!

Important PYO Info:

  • There's always a sign in the Barn that shows what's available for picking

  • Only pick as much produce as you can use in 1 week - not bulk picking please! Sometimes there are also limits per person for specific items - it will be on the PYO board.

  • We have a collection of scissors, bags, & small containers available for your use

  • Remember to wash you hands before picking (use restroom in the barn) and DON'T visit the PYO if you or someone in your household is sick (especially with a stomach bug). We food safety!

Below are some of the plants we grow in the PYO (italics indicates current PYO availability):

Herbs: Oregano, Thyme, Lemon Balm, Chives & Garlic Chives, Mint, Parsley, Dill, Basil (Genovese, Thai, Citrus), Cilantro (limited right now!)

Edible Flowers: Nasturtium, Borage, Calendula, Anise Hyssop (slight licorice flavor, great for tea!), Hibiscus, Holy Basil/Tulsi

Cutting Flowers: Forget-Me-Not, Coreopsis, Celosia, Amaranth, Gomphrena, Ageratum, Sunflowers

Produce: Green Beans, Cherry Tomatoes, Husk Cherries, Hot Peppers

Above photos, from left to right: Calendula - pinch off the flower tops and eat them fresh on a salad (the center is a little bitter, so you can use just the petals if you prefer); You can also dry calendula for a healing herbal tea or to infuse in olive oil to make salves for scratches and wounds. Fresh Herbs: Dill, Basil, Parsley - Basil is newly ready for picking, but parsley and dill may be on the way out soon. Get them quick! Anise Hyssop - this native wild flower has a slight licorice smell and flavor and makes an excellent tea. It's also traditionally used as a cough remedy. Borage - these beautiful little blue star flowers are edible - add to fresh salads or decorate cakes with them. They hand down a little on the plant, so don't be shy about lifting them up to see if they are ready for picking.

We also have a Pollinator Garden patch on the far left side of the PYO field. This is a beautiful spot to visit or take photos, but please don't pick the wildflowers - leave those for our pollinator friends!

Michelle McKenzie